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神聖 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕖 神聖

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神聖 💚i usually Work with / prefer people that Are / Have Taken Psychedelics At Least 1 point once in their Life Also Known as: [ Psychonauts ] ( any 1 who has Experienced Ego Death For themselves ) + i work with People Also classified as Spiritually Awoken humans: Empaths, Psychics, indigos, Starseeds, Wizards, Witches, Shaolin monks, Reiki Masters, Tai Chi Masters, Shamans, Reality Shifters ( CiA Term ) Or For That fact of the Matter Anyone with An Alien Based Essence Dominated Consciousness+ #Clairsentience or anyone who as ever had their Dna previously activated through some sort of Ritual Etc. in a Sense or people who are fall Under the Classification being considered to be Right brain Based Orientated - Artistic as it were, or those Who have Contact with Their higher Self, Basically Anyone Who is Force - Sensitive Force-sensitive | Wookieepedia | Fandom if you are not One of those i apologize as my Healing / Services will probably not be felt Nearly as Deeply provided as with the others - Although Over Time with each additional Healing treatment that can be Mitigated to An Certain Extant and somewhat overcome: With Strong with Convictions & Strong Beliefs (Partially) but Like my Original Sensei Yona Once said to me: the Healing occurs / transpires / exchanges. regardless if the individual has the capacity / can pick up on it with their Own "Normal Human Based Conditioning Senses" it all comes to Perspective Simply put.💚 #Clairsentience 神聖

神聖 it Should be Noted for the Record i am a Huge Avid Supporter / believer in Alternative Medicine's Such Listed as The Follows: Thc, Psychedelics, Monatomic Gold Powder & Brain Enhancing Nootropics. if you Also have Used these substances / chemicals in your past & have Personally seen it for yourself Firsthand Witness the Many Uses of them / Their Power Benefits, than i Consider you a Kindred Free Spirit such as myself & it Also symbolizes you on How Much more Easily & Likely of Understanding me, So in that case you and i will get Along, Just Smoothly  💚#SameSoulTribe 💚 神聖

神聖 💚( if you Wish to better Understand me / the Wavelength i vibrate at ~ i Strongly insist You to Look into these people, i believe in [ My Role Models ] in the people+ individuals Such as Listed as The follows: Aleister Crowley Occultist, Nikola Tesla Inventor, Alan Watts philosopher, Neville Goddard New Thought Author and Mystic, Aaron Doughty, Ralph Smart infinite Waters,​ Darth Revan Jedi Prodigal Knight & Sith Lord: These are but just too Name a few, their are Many more+💚 神聖

神聖 Extra Note: Ps. Those who are SouLess or have recently have their Soul removed may have trouble feeling the attunements or ( inner receptive ) those who are not naturally energy attuned sensitive Aka Those Who Are in the classification of Muggles [ Harry potter Term ] Muggle - Wikipedia  + Also those who have taken The covid jab usually have Lost some of their spiritual inner space energy Sensitivity #SideEffects 
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神聖 At the Core of what i am / Represent in my own words: Autism Sensory integration Syndrome & Autism Savant Syndrome, on top of all that i am a Psychic / Empath. making me in a classification all of my own uniquely Both Sadly & proudly. from the - Outside world if One were to put a singular Title / Label on me i'd say it would be something Along the Lines of "Under Cover Metaphysical Cyberpunk Shaman" for those who of you who can Accept me, I Love U & Appreciate you Dearly & for the rest of you, who Misunderstood me i say to you thus. you've no idea the Pain & Uniqueness & isolation that i feel on a Daily basis & i say shame on you. you should thank God every day that you are quote unquote "Normal" there is a Lot More about me that i deal with - Embody - on my shoulders per se - but at this current time i am not comfortable with sharing it. if their was one Person in the World i Relate too i would say it would have to be "Sherlock Holmes the British Consulting Detective" #Clairsentience 神聖

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AQ 5000 - Ocean Water Moon Selene - Valentino
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